
Healthcare Liners – Super Tuff LLDPE, High Density Material

Republic Bag offers a complete solution for the healthcare market. We manufacture our healthcare series with new technology premium raw materials to insure the ultimate quality. Our complete offering of LLDPE & HDPE Healthcare liners provides the right liner used in the correct application. Custom colors and sizes available upon request.

  • Custom Fabrication Available
  • Super strength new technology raw materials
  • Complete list of sizes insuring the right bag for the right application
  • Color coding eliminates errors
  • Convenient dispenser boxes
  • Printed and Unprinted
P/N Bag Bag Duty Rating Mil Thick. Color Gallon Case Weight/ Layer/
Width Length Capacity Pack Case Pallet
RDP-24-120 24 x 24 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd 10-7 500 23 7-49
RDP-33-120 24 x 33 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd 16-12 250 15.8 9-72
RDP-43-120 30.5 x 43 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd Hamper 250 26.2 7-49
RDP-41-120 33 x 41 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd 33 250 27 7-49
RDP-47-120 38 x 47 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd Hamper 200 28.5 7-49
RDP-48-120 40 x 48 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd 40-45 100 15.3 9-72
RDP-48-150 40 x 48 165 Gr 1.5 Red Ptd 40-45 100 19.2 7-49
P/N Bag Bag Duty Rating Mil Thick. Color Gallon Case Weight/ Layer/
Width Length Capacity Pack Case Pallet
DRP23R 24 x 23 165 Gr 1 Red Ptd 10-7 250 9.2 28/252
DRP32R 24 x 32 165 Gr 1 Red Ptd 16-12 200 10.2 28/252
DRP39R 33 x 39 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd 33 60 6.1 28/252
DRP43R 30.5 x 43 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd Hamper 60 6.2 28/252
DRP43Y 30.5 x 43 165 Gr 1.2 Ylw Ptd Hamper 60 6.2 28/252
DRP43B 30.5 x 43 165 Gr 1.2 Blue Ptd Hamper 60 6.2 28/252
DRP4033R 30.5 x 43 165 Gr 3 Red Ptd Hamper 25 6.5 28/252
DRP50R 37 x 50 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd Hamper 60 8.8 28/252
DRP502R 37 x 50 165 Gr 2 Red Ptd Hamper 25 6.1 28/252
DRP503R 37 x 50 165 Gr 3 Red Ptd Hamper 25 9.2 28/252
DRP46R 40 x 46 165 Gr 1.2 Red Ptd Hamper 60 8.8 28/252
P/N Bag Bag Duty Rating Mil Thick. Color Gallon Case Weight/ Layer/
Width Length Capacity Pack Case Pallet
RP242411CR 24 x 24 165 Gr 11 Red Ptd 10-7 1000 16.9 9-72
RP243311CR 24 x 33 165 Gr 11 Red Ptd 16-12 1000 23.3 9-63
RP304314CR 30 x 43 165 Gr 14 Red Ptd Hamper 250 12 9-90
YP304314CR 30 x 43 165 Gr 14 Ylw Ptd Hamper 250 12 9-90
BP304314CR 30 x 43 165 Gr 14 Blue Ptd Hamper 250 12 9-90
RP334014CR 33 x 40 165 Gr 14 Red Ptd 33 250 12.3 9-90
RP384616CR 38 x 46 165 Gr 16 Red Ptd Hamper 250 18.7 9-72
YP384616CR 38 x 46 165 Gr 16 Ylw Ptd Hamper 250 18.7 9-72
RP404816CR 40 x 48 165 Gr 16 Red Ptd 40-45 250 20.5 9-63

Red Printed with: Infectious Waste, Basura Infecciosas, Danger, Peligro, & Biohazard Symbol

Yellow Printed with: Infectious Linen, Sabanas Infecciosas, & Biohazard Symbol

Blue Printed with:
Soiled Linen, Sabanas Sucias